Monday, July 8, 2013

Thank You, Kulshan Chorus

When I left Bellingham two weeks ago, I said goodbye to the friends and family that I will not see again for more than a year. Now, having traveled with this amazing group of minds, hearts, musicians, I feel that I must once again say my goodbyes to a new set of friends and a new family. The warmth and openness this chorus has shown to me and the many people we met along the road is something of a wonder to me. It has been an honor to sing with you and I am deeply grateful for the support and kindness and insight and excitement you brought to me life. 

A friend sent me a link to a story on NPR at the very end our trip called, When Choirs Sing, Many Hearts Beat as One. It describes new research which shows that the heart rates of choir members synchronize as they sing together, slowed by the guided breathing. The Principle Investigator on the project, Bjorn Vickoff remarks, "It's a beautiful way to feel. You are not alone but with other who feel the same way." It is with great pride that I say Thank You to the Kulshan Chorus. My heart will be beating with to the rhythm of your spirit wherever I go.  

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