Saturday, May 24, 2014

Home Again, Home Again: A Jig

  1. 1.
    a lively dance with leaping movements.
  2. 2.
    a device that holds a piece of work and guides the tools operating on it.

Hymn #77 in the UU: Seek Not Afar for Beauty

1 Seek not afar for beauty: lo, it glows
In dew-wet grasses all bout thy feet;
In birds, in sunshine, childish faces sweet,
In stars and mountain summits topped with snows.
2 Go not abroad for happiness: for see,
It is a flower blooming at thy door.
Bring love and justice home, and then no more
Thou'lt wonder in what dwelling joy may be.
3 Dream not of noble service elsewhere wrought;
The simple duty that awaits thy hand
Is God's voice offering a divine command,
Life's common deeds build all that saints have thought.
4 In wonder-workings, or some bush aflame,
Men look for God and fancy him concealed;
But in earth's common things he stands revealed,
While grass and flowers and stars spell out his name.

Friday, May 23, 2014



  • morning at home with Jen and Zach - breakfast
  • train to airport - realized I was going to the wrong airport - change to an overground train which kept stopping on the tracks - arrived and make it in plenty of time
  • flight was nice - watched Gravity - outer space plane crash - genius - beautiful view landing
  • land and catch bus to Reykjavik - transfer to hostel - super post 
  • sit in window looking at the sea and mountains - chat with girls next to me - eat some wolfish and bread and local beer - emails and research
  • headache - went to bed very early 
  • up early - got to talk to Kevin and his brother Matt briefly
  • got ready and headed out for breakfast - great spot on main road - walked back up the road to buy gloves - on sale - good because it is cold today
  • walked to church - listed to rehearsal for organ concert
  • up the tower - saw guys I had seen in gift shop earlier - staying at my hostel - lost luggage on Iceland Air - chatted for a while - great view
  • back down - walked toward downtown - stopped at photographers shop - great sense of humor in everyday life in Iceland - craft store with amazing pottery items - directed me to an arts and crafts market at City Hall - walked there - down by the City Pond
  • Walked over to Herpa - concerts - amazing building - macaroons in between 
  • Groceries and home - saw the guys - amazing story about guy who gave them money so he could beg it off of them - then gave them a jar of putrified shark - had me try some - I knew it would happen at some point - talked about maybe joining them for some actitivies this week
  • ate some food upstairs and sent some emails - friend Joe back home saw my post about Iceland and got me in touch with his family who lives here - he is half Icelandic - who knew?! 
  • Walked across town to Langholtskirkja church - Bach concert - amazing
  • long walk home - not quite rainy - walked down by the water - sculpture 
  • home to write more emails, do more planning, drink tea in the bar, and be merry